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What is wrong with world evangelism? Nothing is wrong with world evangelism when done properly! Many people and churches are fulfilling the Great Commission and are endeavoring in world evangelism. The sad truth is too few are interested in or committed to world evangelism! So many people and even churches have become inwardly focused. We have become focused on making ourselves look better. We have focused on making our churches look better. Those things are not inherently bad if done properly but if done at a cost to world evangelism, we have our priorities out of whack!

The number one priority of the church is world evangelism! As Christ was leaving the earth and giving a challenge to a small group of believers, He gave them a simple command. Matthew 28:19-20 says, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” This is the command given to all believers! This is the whole purpose and priority of the church! So what are we supposed to do about world evangelism? How can we fix ourselves and our churches to be more focused about world evangelism? We must first see it how Christ sees it. He sees it as the mission and purpose of the church!

  1. World evangelism is not a job for just a few Christians. It is every Christian’s job!
  2. We are to go. But what are we to do as we go?
  • Teach all nations! We are to teach and preach to them the gospel! We are to go and teach what Christ has taught us! We get the gospel to them and teach them what Christ has done for them! As we do this, people will believe and trust Christ as their Savior!
  • Baptize those that are saved! Once a person has heard the gospel and accepted Christ we need to baptize them by immersion! 
  • Discipleship! We are to teach them all things that Christ has commanded us. That means we need to take a new believer and begin teaching them how to live a Christ-like life. But we also need to teach them how to become a mature Christian.
  • As we disciple people and they become mature Christians, they should in turn begin producing fruit and sharing the Gospel with others and in turn, discipling others!

3. We should be focused on reaching not just at home, but around the whole world.

  • Acts 1:8 says “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” We are to be endeavoring to reach both at home and abroad. The church at Jerusalem was not supposed to stay put,  they were supposed to go preaching and sharing the Gospel all around the world. They actually failed to do this at first and God brought about persecution to motivate them to take the gospel to a lost and dying world!
  • We should be teaching and training people in our churches to not only reach our community, but have a heart to see the world reached with the Gospel!

If we get the right focus this world could be reached with the Gospel in this generation! World evangelism though, is not just about giving the Gospel but once given and received, it is also about teaching them to observe all that Christ has commanded in the Scriptures! For those who are actively involved in world evangelism, keep at it and endeavor even more! For those who maybe haven’t been involved in world evangelism like they should, there is no better time to begin than right now! Begin sharing the Gospel every where you go. Look for people in your church to disciple! World evangelism is the heartbeat of God. He does not want any to perish! He sent his Son to die for the whole world! So what is really wrong with world evangelism: only the fact that so few are involved and working at it! We should endeavor to have a heart and live our lives for world evangelism!