How to Pray for Your Missionaries

As we travel on deputation and go from church to church, many people tell us they will be praying for us! We are very grateful for the prayers as they are a necessity not only while on deputation, but once we get to the field. This week I would like to discuss how to specifically pray for your missionaries! 

  1. Pray for safety— Pray for safety for the missionary. Pray for their safety as they travel on the road. Missionaries put thousands of miles on their vehicles and driving can be dangerous! Not only pray for safety on the roads but pray for safety in their countries! Pray for safety as they drive there, minister there and serve there! You never know what could happen in those countries so pray for the safety of the missionary!
  2. Pray for their support— If they are on deputation pray that God will provide their support quickly so they can get to the field and begin learning the language and sharing the Gospel. If they are on the field, pray their support will continue to grow as their ministries grow!
  3. Pray for their country— Pray for the country they will be or are serving in! Pray that God will work in the country and open doors for the missionary to freely share the Gospel! If it is a closed country pray that it will not stay closed but rather open up to the Gospel and freedom for the Gospel to go forward would happen.
  4. Pray for souls— Pray for men and women in the country that God would begin working in their hearts now. That God would begin to move and point them towards Christ as when the missionaries bring the Gospel they would respond and be saved!
  5. Pray for men to train— Pray that God would begin working now in the hearts and lives of those men the missionary will be able to train. Pray that God would mightily use these men to reach their own country!
  6. Pray for churches— Pray for more churches to be started and that God would use these churches to see people saved, discipled and trained to go forward and plant more churches! 
  7. Pray for their family— Pray for their wife and children. That God would allow them all to learn the language. That God would work in their hearts and lives. That God would use them. That they would stay close to God as a family and in doing so, be used of God mightily.
  8. Pray they learn the language— Pray that they will learn the language when the get to the field or if they are on the field they will continue to improve in the language!
  9. Pray for culture adaptation— If they are on deputation, pray that when they get to the field they will be able to adapt to the culture. If they are on the field, pray they will continue to adapt to the culture.
  10. Pray for their spiritual walk— Pray that they will continue to walk closely to the Lord and allow God to continue to work in their lives. Satan will try to do everything in his power to keep them from growing spiritually, so pray that God would be able to continue working in their lives!

I am sure there are many more things that I could add here but these are some of the more important ones that I thought about. Missionaries need a lot of prayer. They are going into battle with Satan and he wants to discourage them and hurt them and cause them to come off the field! Please pray for your missionaries that God would use them to reach the world with the Gospel! What are some ways that you pray for your missionaries? Let us know by commenting below!