How to Have a Successful Missions Trip!

Many young people and even adults will take missions trips during their lives! I would challenge everyone to take at least one missions trip during your life, but honestly you should take several all over the world! But there is always a question around missions trips. How can I have a successful missions trip? Well this week we will look at some ways for you to have a successful missions trip!

  1. Raise enough money— Whether you are saving, or also asking people to donate to your missions trip, make sure you have more than enough money. Make sure to raise enough for your tickets, for travel, for spending and for food. I would also recommend taking a little extra to give to the missionary and cover his expenses incurred during the trip!
  2. Study the country before you go— Read about and study about the country and city/cites you will be going to. Get a burden for the places before you go. But also find things you might like to see if you get a free day in those cities.
  3. Communicate with the missionary/missionaries you will be going on the trip with— Make sure you stay in constant contact before the trip with your host missionary or missionaries. Make sure they know when you will be arriving and leaving. Let them know your schedule and how many will be coming with you. They will be a big help with planning and structuring your trip!
  4. Find out what you need to bring and things to get done before you go— Make sure if you have to have shots that you get the shots you need. Make sure you know the travel advisories if there are any in the area you are traveling to. Make sure you find out things you will need to bring with you into the country and things that might be needed on the trip! Nothing worse then getting to the airport and realizing you forgot to bring something or get the right visa!
  5. Get involved in the ministry you are going to— Get with the missionary and let them know you want to help and get involved in whatever way you can in their ministry. This is a good way for you to get to see what is going on in their country as well as help grow your burden for the people and need around the world! Be willing to preach, teach, testify and sing! Just remember in most countries you will have to do this with an interpreter so be prepared to do this!
  6. Spend time talking with the missionary—Schedule time to let the missionary talk with you and spend time talking with you. IF you are in a large group make sure you give the missionary time to take you places and challenge your group form the Bible and about missions! You will learn a lot by talking with and spending time with the missionary! Ask the missionary to take you to religious places in the country. GO to a cemetery and let it speak to you about all the people who died without the Gospel in that country!
  7. Be a blessing to the missionary family— Find out if there is anything from the states they would like or need. Bring things to them like their favorite snacks and food from the states. Be willing to help pay for anything the missionary takes you to. Pay for his meals, pay for his gas, be willing to leave some extra money after the trip to help cover the expense of having you and hosting you!
  8. Have fun— Make sure to take time and have fun! There are many things to go and see in each country! Talk with the missionary and plan at least one free day to go and explore the country and unique things in the country! You don’t want the whole trip to be made up of free or fun days, but you definitely want to take time and do some fun things while you are on the trip!
  9. Let God speak to you— Look around and see the need. Allow God to speak to you while on the trip about missions and the need around the world! See if God would direct you into missions or how you can get more involved in missions back at your home church! But take time on the trip to get alone with God and allow Him to work in your heart and life!
  10. Plan the next trip— After one missions trip, begin looking at where God would have you go next! Find ways to go on several missions trips during your lifetime! Let God use each of them to allow you to see the need all around the world! Doing this is a good way to work in your heart about missions and maybe even direct you to become a missionary!