How to be a help and blessing to your missionaries?

Many people want to know how they can be a blessing and help to the missionaries they know or their church supports. This week we will look at some things you can do to be a blessing and help to your missionaries!

  1. Pray— This is needful for a missionary no matter where there are or what they are doing. We as missionaries need prayer! We need you to pray for our ministries, pray for souls and pray for safety! Praying for your missionaries is a good way to help your missionary
  2. Communicate with them— Stay in contact with them. Find out how their lives are going and communicate with them! Especially when they are on the field, they do not hear from people from the states that often and they would enjoy hearing from you!
  3. Find out their needs— Find out what they are in need of. Find out what needs their ministry has. Find out what needs their family has and find out how you can help meet these needs. Help communicate the needs they have with others and pray for these needs!
  4. Send them care packages— Whether on the field or at home, find out some of their favorite things and put them in a box and mail them to them! This is a good thing to do when on the field, because you can find out things they cannot get in their country and are missing or need! This is a great way to be a blessing to a missionary!
  5. Support them financially— Whether your church does or not, find a way to support them financially. This can come from monthly support to sending one time gifts to them. This helps them and will be a great blessing to the missionary. 
  6. Host them in your home— If they are traveling through or back home on furlough, let them know you would love to host them in your home. Whether allowing them to stay the night if you have the room or just having them in for dinner, it would be a great help and blessing to the missionary.
  7. Go visit them— Go on a trip to visit them and help out in their ministry. When you do this make sure to find out if there is anything they would like you to bring from the states. Also make sure to be a blessing to them when you get there! Make the trip about being a help to them and helping them in any way you can!

These are just a few things you can do to be a help and blessing to your missionaries. What are some things that you have done to be a help or blessing to your missionaries? What have people done for you that are missionaries that have been a help and blessing to you and your family? Leave a comment below and let us know!