How to Promote World Evangelism in Your Church

You may be a pastor, youth pastor or just a lay leader in your church but you want to know how you can help promote world evangelism in your church. This week we will look at what you can do in your church to help promote world evangelism.

  1. Have a yearly mission’s conference— This is a great way to promote world evangelism in your church. Have several missionaries come in during the conference and share the need in their countries as well as preach about world evangelism. This will keep missions and world evangelism in front of your church.
  2. Put missionary prayer letters around your church— Have a missionary hallway or an area where you post prayer letters from missionaries. Start with the ones you currently support, but be willing to put ones up from people you may not currently support. This gives people a chance to pray over new countries and missionaries and their needs. This will put the need over world evangelism in front of your people and they can see how God is working around the world but also the needs around the world.
  3. Put flags, maps and information about countries around the world!— This will help people know more about countries and areas around the world. If you put up flags, I would recommend putting up a country map below it and information about the country so people know what countries are represented by the flags. Doing this allows people to see countries and the religions and great need of world evangelism in each country.
  4. Have a missionary spotlight at least one service a week if not each service!— Read a prayer letter or weekly update from a missionary you support or have had into your church. This will put missions and missionaries in front of your church each week! 
  5. Host world evangelism events, take people to them—Get in contact with missionaries or missions boards and find out if your church could host a one day world evangelism conference. If you are not able to do this then find out what world evangelism events take place in your area. Find out if there is a camp, retreat, conference or prayer meeting going on in your area and take your people to these events! 
  6. Have a world evangelism/missionary prayer meeting monthly—Once a month, get the people of your church together and pray over the missionaries that you support. Also get world maps and pray over the countries of the world. Pray for laborers to be sent and pray for works going on in countries to continue and that each country would be reached with the Gospel!
  7. Give out maps for your people to pray over— Give the people of your church world maps and teach them how to pray over the countries of the world. This will help people see the great need of the Gospel getting all around the world.
  8. Let each SS class adopt a specific missionary you support— They can stay in touch with that missionary, send them cards, gifts and maybe even extra support. Each class will grow closer to that missionary and by staying in touch with that missionary, it will help them see the great need of world evangelism.
  9. Have missionaries in to your church on a regular basis— This is an important one. Make sure to have them in as often as your church can have them in, but make sure you also can take care of the missionary if you are having them into your church. This will help keep missions and world evangelism in front of your church and people will see the great need in the countries that each missionary is going to.
  10. Have missionary stories read in SS classes and in JR Church— Pick a missionary story from the past and read it each week in your Sunday School classes. If you have a junior church have missionary stories each week. Start at a young age promoting world evangelism but keep it in front of them each week! Hearing these stories of what God did in the past with men and women will help people see that God could use them to have an impact on world evangelism!

These are just a few ideas of things you can do in your church to keep missions and world evangelism in front of your people! Doing this will allow people to want to be more involved in world evangelism from praying, to support, to the end goal of seeing people from your church going to the ends of the world taking the Gospel to people in need of hearing it! What are some things that you have seen in church to help promote world evangelism? What are some things that your church does to keep missions and world evangelism in front of people? Leave a comment below as we would love to hear from you!