How to Raise Funds For a Missions Trip?

So you want to take a missions trip? Great, but now comes the hard part. Where do you get the money to go on one? This week we will look at some ways that you can raise your funds to go on a missions trip! Again, I highly recommend that everyone that can should take a missions trip and it is not that hard to do it!

  1. Save money— If you already have a job then this is an easy one. Each pay period take and put a little bit back for your trip. There are many apps out there now that you can put in how much you are wanting to save and it will tell you each pay period how much you need to save to reach your goal!
  2. Ask for support— Write letters to family members, friends and church members asking if they would be willing to sponsor or support you to go on your missions trip. Many people are willing to give a little to help someone go on a missions trip! Just make sure those that do support you receive a thank you note and let them know how your trip went!
  3. Do fundraisers— This is more for if there is a group going on a trip. Find ways to do some fundraisers. From car washes to bakes sales, a fundraiser is a great way to earn money to help cover the cost of missions trips.
  4. Ask people if you can do odd and end work for them— Find people you know or around you and see if you can do work for them to earn a little extra money. This could be from cleaning, to mowing. But be creative and be willing to ask and people will put you to work for a little money!

These are just a few ways you can get your funds to go on a missions trip! These are things anyone can do, no matter the age. I would highly recommend no matter your age that you go on at least one missions trip in your life! Your life will never be the same after a missions trip! What are some creative ways you have raised your funds for a missions trip? Comment below and let us know! Also, have you been or are you going on a missions trip this year? Let us know so we can pray for your trip!