How to Be a Highly Effective Christian: Get Involved in Ministry

By sentobannin

How to Be a Highly Effective Christian: Get Involved in Ministry So you want to be a highly, effective Christian? Last week, we looked at needing to rely on God. This week, those that are highly, effective Christians are involved in ministry. They do not just sit on the sidelines and get served. They realize they must get involved and help out! Find a starting place— If you are not currently involved in a ministry…

How to Be a Highly Effective Christian: Rely on God

By sentobannin

How to Be a Highly Effective Christian: Rely on God For the next few weeks, we are going to look at what it takes to be a highly, effective Christian. So many Christians today are sitting on the sidelines and wanting to be served rather than serve! As Christians, we are not called to just survive. We are called to thrive! So, how can you be a highly, effective Christian? Well, first, rely on God!…

How to Get People Involved in Discipleship?

By sentobannin

How to Get People Involved in Discipleship? So you want to start a discipleship program or maybe you already have, but now you want others to get involved. How do you do this? How can you help others get involved in discipleship? There are many ways to get people involved but lets talk about the most effective means of doing so. Be excited about it!  People like high energy individuals that are excited about what…

How to Start Discipleship?

By sentobannin

How to Start Discipleship? So you haven’t been involved in discipleship and are wondering how to get involved and how to start discipleship. Maybe your church doesn’t have a discipleship program in place. Hopefully this article will be helpful as we go through how you can start and continue discipleship in your life and in your church! Find a program. The first step would be to find discipleship material to use. There are many resources…