How to Be a Highly Effective Christian: Rely on God

For the next few weeks, we are going to look at what it takes to be a highly, effective Christian. So many Christians today are sitting on the sidelines and wanting to be served rather than serve! As Christians, we are not called to just survive. We are called to thrive! So, how can you be a highly, effective Christian? Well, first, rely on God!

  • Rely on Him each and every day— Realize that without Christ you are no one or nobody. You can do nothing without Him! If you learn that the moment you wake up you need to rely on God, you will begin to see how God can work in and through you!
  • Grow closer to Him— In order to learn to rely on God in each and every situation, you must be in the Word of God. You must be growing closer to him in your relationship. If you do not have a daily Bible reading time, then you will have a hard time growing closer to God and in turn, will have a hard time relying on God!
  • Pray to Him— Part of relying on God is learning to trust Him. No better way to learn to trust Him than to make your request known unto Him! By relying on God to answer your prayers, you will realize how great a God we serve! As He hears and answers your prayers, it will help you learn to rely on him even more! Prayer is vital in the life of a highly, effective Christian.
  • Step out in faith— The best way to show your reliance on God is to step out in faith. If you just sit back and take it easy, you are not relying on God; you are relying on self. When you truly step out in faith and see how God can use you despite your issues, problems, and difficulties it will be amazing to see how God works in and through you! Step out and take the gospel to that neighbor or co-worker. Step out and give more to your church or toward missions. Step out and help that person in need. Step out and go on a missions trip! Just learn to step out in faith and in turn, you will have to rely on God because stepping out in faith shows that you truly are relying on God!

In your life, are you truly relying on God or just saying you do? Are you relying on Him each and every day? Are you growing closer to Him each and every day? Are you praying each and every day? Are you stepping out in faith and relying on God? If you want to be a highly, effective Christian then start relying on God! As you begin to rely on God, it will be amazing to see how God works in and through you to reach the world with the gospel and do things in you that you never thought possible!