How to Be a Highly Effective Christian: Get Involved in Ministry

So you want to be a highly, effective Christian? Last week, we looked at needing to rely on God. This week, those that are highly, effective Christians are involved in ministry. They do not just sit on the sidelines and get served. They realize they must get involved and help out!

  • Find a starting place— If you are not currently involved in a ministry then find a place to start! Go to your pastor and ask what you can get involved in! There are always plenty of things and places in church that are in need of volunteers! Just be willing to get involved!
  • Be willing to do anything—Obviously, know your strength and weaknesses, but be willing, whatever is put in front of you to step up and get involved in! This is a great way to see God grow you and help you overcome things! If the ministry is small, don’t worry, do it! You must be willing to get involved in any way and as you show yourself faithful, more opportunities will open to you!
  • Remember it is not about you— So often, as Christians, we become like the Ephesian Church in Revelation. They were so busy serving, that they left Christ out of the equation! It had become about them and what they were doing and not about Christ! Getting involved in ministry is about Christ and others! It is about bringing honor and glory to God and getting the gospel to others and helping them to grow! The temptation will be, once you are involved in ministry, to bring glory to yourself but remember, it is not about you it is about God and others!
  • Look for more places to serve— Don’t just be satisfied with serving or doing one thing! Learn to be involved in as many things as you are capable of and are allowed! Now, don’t let ministries keep you out of church all the time. Make sure to make time to be in services and get fed yourself. But always be looking for ways you can be involved and help out!

So highly, effective Christians get involved in the ministries of their church! Are you getting involved or sitting on the sidelines! If you are not involved, now is a good time to start! Step out and get involved and see how God can work to grow you and through your life as you get involve in ministry! Lastly, remember that ministry is not about you but about God and others. The ultimate goal of each and every ministry should be to get the gospel to a lost and dying world!