A Highly Effective Christian is a Wise Steward!

By sentobannin

A Highly Effective Christian is a Wise Steward! As Christians, we are stewards of what God has given to us. If you want to be a highly effective Christian you must be a wise steward! This week, we will look at what areas as Christians in which we should be wise stewards. Minutes— Ephesians 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. What are you doing with the time that God has given you? …

Highly Effective Christians are Involved in Personal and Spiritual Growth!

By sentobannin

Highly Effective Christians are Involved in Personal and Spiritual Growth! In order to be a highly, effective Christian, you must be growing! There are two areas we should be growing in our personal and our spiritual lives! Let’s look below how we can grow ourselves, personally and spiritually. Personally Read books— Find time to read books. This is a great way to help you grow personally. We should always be trying to grow and learn…

Highly Effective Christians Engage in World Evangelism!

By sentobannin

Highly Effective Christians Engage in World Evangelism! As we continue and you read the title for this week, you may be thinking that I am talking about just being a missionary. That is not true. Actually, as Christians, we should all be involved in world evangelism and there are many ways to get involved! One of the best ways to be involved in world evangelism is to go as a missionary. But let’s look, this…

How to Be a Highly Effective Christian: Be Involved in Genuine Worship!

By sentobannin

How to Be a Highly Effective Christian: Be Involved in Genuine Worship! As we continue looking at how to be a highly, effective Christian, we come to worship. Many people think a lot of things when they think of worship. Some think of a church service, some think of singing praises and praise songs. But today, let’s look at true worship and what true worship is!  Worship starts with personal Bible time— If you are…