Highly Effective Christians Engage in World Evangelism!

As we continue and you read the title for this week, you may be thinking that I am talking about just being a missionary. That is not true. Actually, as Christians, we should all be involved in world evangelism and there are many ways to get involved! One of the best ways to be involved in world evangelism is to go as a missionary. But let’s look, this week, at how to engage in world evangelism!

  1. Personal soul winning— This is a great first step in helping to reach the world with the gospel! It starts with you realizing, we have been commanded to take the gospel to a lost and dying world! That means, as a Christian, you have a responsibility to get the gospel to your circle of influence. That is those people you come in contact with on a daily, weekly, and even monthly basis. These are people you are responsible to share the gospel with! Not only that, you should be going out in your community and taking the gospel to those who live in and around you! As you lead people to Christ, you can then disciple them to maturity in Christ and see where God leads them! This is a vital step in world evangelism and the role we have in it as a Christian!
  2. Giving— Not just giving your tithe or giving to the church, but giving towards missions! You should desire to see the world reached with the gospel and a great way to do that is through giving! Now do not let giving be a substitute for you going! If God has called you to go, go! If you are not called to go as a missionary, you can give, but you should still go and take the gospel to those around you! Give through your church missions’ program and give as God leads and you are able!
  3. Going— You can go and take the gospel to a lost and dying world! A great way to have an impact in world evangelism is to go. Maybe not go full time, but you could go on short term trips! But even more, why not consider giving your life to get the gospel to people who have never heard? Why not be a missionary and go share Christ with those who have no clue who He is! Going is one of the best ways to get involved in world evangelism.
  4. Praying—Anyone and everyone can pray! This is something we should be doing on a regular basis any way, but you can pray about the need around the world! You can pray for missionaries! You can pray for specific countries and the needs they have! We should be praying for world evangelism!

If you want to be a highly, effective Christian, you must be involved in world evangelism! Consider going, but at the very least, be praying and giving! We can have an impact on this world with the gospel but as Christians, we aren’t because we have been too content to sit back and do nothing! It’s time to get out and get the gospel to those around you and those around the world!