Highly Effective Christians are Involved in Personal and Spiritual Growth!

In order to be a highly, effective Christian, you must be growing! There are two areas we should be growing in our personal and our spiritual lives! Let’s look below how we can grow ourselves, personally and spiritually.


  1. Read books— Find time to read books. This is a great way to help you grow personally. We should always be trying to grow and learn new things and overcome difficulties in our lives. Reading books is a good way to learn new things and stretch yourself and grow yourself.
  2. Attempt new things— Try to do new things. Step out in faith and attempt to do things you haven’t done before! Get involved in an area of ministry you have never done before. By doing this, you grow because you are stepping outside your comfort zone.
  3. Get a mentor— Have someone who can mentor you and help you grow! This should be someone who is further down the road than you! Let them tell you where you need to improve, as well as areas you are doing well in. A mentor is a great way to grow yourself personally.
  4. Be a mentor— Find someone you can mentor that you can pour your life into. By doing this, you will not only be helping someone else grow, it will also help you grow!


  1. Read the Bible— If you want to grow yourself spiritually, you must get in the word of God. This includes daily reading, but also studying! You should strive to read and study passages for yourself and study on things you may not know about already! Get in God’s Word and grow yourself, spiritually.
  2. Step out in faith— Step out in faith and attempt great things for God! Doing this will not only grow your faith, it will help you grow, spiritually. If you constantly stay in the spiritual safe zone you will never see how God can work in and through you. You will be amazed at how great our God is!
  3. Get a Godly discipler— Find someone who can and will disciple you if you haven’t already been discipled. If you are getting discipled then allow them to help to grow you and teach you about the Bible,  faith and God. This will allow you to grow spiritually.
  4. Get a disciple— Find someone to disciple! This will stretch and grow you spiritually as you will be helping them to grow and be getting asked many questions which will make you have to study and grow!

As a Christian we should be growing! If we stop growing something is wrong. There is never a point, as a Christian, where you arrive personally or spiritually and no longer need to grow. That time only comes when we get to heaven! So, what are you doing to grow yourself, personally but even more importantly, grow yourself, spiritually?