The Great Estate: A Missions Parable Part 2

Not long after the servants gather together, Sir Comfort comes to the estate. As soon as he comes, the servants know what must be done. They go out and begin to work in the closest field to them. This is where the master wanted them to start because it was closest to where they were. But the master wanted them to go and work the whole estate. As they begin to work the first field, they see that it is fruitful and much work is done and much sown and reaped rather quickly. But something happened, because of the success of this field they decide to keep working hard at it, but were neglecting the rest of the estate. Quickly, difficulties began to arise in the first field area and so many of the servants began to venture out and work in the fields surrounding the estate.

Some workers would only do just a little but there were two servants who went to many of the fields and did hard work. Because of all the work there was significant amount of sowing and reaping being done, but still not all the estate was being worked. At this point, you could see that the servants were happy and much of the estate was being worked, but there were still areas that needed people to go and work them. The servants saw all that was going on and began to think that perhaps the master would be coming back to the estate soon, so they labored even harder to work the estate. Sir Comfort was there helping and working with the servants and helping them go forth to new fields, preparing the way and giving them guidance and direction. But even as things were going well, there began to be division among the servants about different processes and procedures. Also, what kind and types of fields should be worked and instead of focusing on the fields, they began to focus on themselves. Because the focus turned to themselves only a handful of servants were going out to work the fields and in turn, many of the once profitable fields began to be overrun by weeds.