The Estate: The Conclusion

They say a story is one of the best ways by which to get a point across. I hope you can understand what this short parable is all about. If not, let me explain. The master is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The estate is the world and the servants are us, as Christians. Sir Comfort is the Holy Spirit. The story takes us from the command of Christ to go take the gospel to the whole world, to our modern day. Although Christ has not come back, His return is imminent and if He were to come back today, He would see the sad mess our world is in. You see, the 5% that was worked the most at the end, is the United States which makes up only 5% of the population of the world. The parts of the estate that are a little easier are parts of the world that God has been working in and Christians have gone and labored. The harder areas are parts of the world that may cost more to go and are more difficult to reach, but God can still work. The hardest parts of the estate to work would be what makes up the Muslim world and unreached countries of the world. This part of the world has had little work done in it. The labor is hard and at first, little fruit will be seen. But we have been commanded to go to the whole world and preach the gospel. Meaning we should go to the easy and the hard areas. Thankfully, we still have time on this earth to reach it with the gospel. To obey the command of Christ and go to those who have never heard. As Christians, we must stop just focusing on our areas and look to the whole world. We must see the great need in the world and that each and every day people are dying and going to hell because of our disobedience. Will you give your life to go? Will you surrender your life to obey Christ’s command and get the gospel to the whole world? Will you go to the harder parts of the world— to the Muslim world and take them the gospel? Let’s stop just focusing on our little area, start obeying the command of Christ and see the world reached with the gospel in this generation!