The Army Part 3

At first, the King’s soldiers were leery about the new recruit. This man, just days before had been fighting against them, but now was on their side? They finally began to trust him as they began to see his fighting spirit. Shortly after this, as the army was spreading around the world, the General sent word that he had a special mission for two in the army. They were to go further out and to take the battle to the enemy. They were to step into territory no one had gone to and fought before. These two men, stepped out not sure what would happen, but knew they needed to obey their king. At first, the battle was difficult. Many of those kept in bondage did not even realize they were enslaved. But slowly and surely, more and more began to realize their helplessness and need of help. They were being set free in large numbers,  but the enemy did not like that. They began to target and try to hurt the two men the King had sent. But the King and his army would not be stopped. Many others began to join in the battle and take the fight to the enemy. They were willing to risk their lives for their King, but also willing to go set free those who were enslaved. The army of the King slowly began to grow, but as it began to grow so did the problems inside its ranks. There were many divisions and arguments about who was right and who was the rightful leader. Instead of focusing on the battle, there began to be a focus on fighting amongst one another in the group. Although some still went out to fight the battle, many forgot about it and began to focus on making their regiments look good. They began to build large forts and bases to keep their soldiers in and forgot there was a world that had been enslaved by the enemy.