The Army Part 4

The battle for the world continued on, but with fewer and fewer soldiers going out to fight. Instead, they began to focus on building their bases and securing their borders. Many years passed and only a handful of soldiers and regiments went out to do any fighting and to take more of the world for the King. Finally, a group was stirred to do something. They began to take the king seriously. They realized something must be done so they organized behind one thought and one banner. They realized the King had given so much to them and they owed their lives for him. No sacrifice would be too small or too great for their King. They began to look at the world and began to train soldiers to go out and fight. The leader of this group was instrumental in helping send out many soldiers out to the world. Some went and saw little success, while others fought long and hard, and were able to see some rescued from the enemy. This small group was concerned with obeying the King’s command. Even those who could not go, got behind those who were going out. They would communicate and pray for those who were going out to battle. After their leaders passed away, the group continued going out and fighting, but not as much as they once did. Once again, time passed and little was being done to advance the battle and advance the King’s kingdom. Would the enemy have victory and defeat the King?