The King is soon returning and the battle has not been finished. The soldiers have been too preoccupied with building their kingdoms, instead of His kingdom. Some are going to take the fight to the enemy, but many go out undertrained and under-supported. We must change this! We must properly train our soldiers how to stand the rigors of the battlefield. We must support them as best we can. We must stem the tide of soldiers leaving or coming back before they gain any ground against the enemy. The enemy has held the world in his grasps way too long! Soldiers need to step up and be willing to give their all to further the King and his Kingdom! The area where the enemy has held his ground the longest must be defeated! Will you join in the fight? We need new recruits to go and set captives free! We need soldiers who will willingly lay down their lives in service to the King. We have sat idly by too long! We have become lazy, as an army, and unless something changes we will slowly be defeated by the enemy! Let us raise our banners high, let us gather our soldiers and go into the world to have victory! Because, you see, the King has promised us victory, but we will only see victory if we go and take the fight to the enemy!