This is another parable. Stories find a great way of illustrating a point. You see 2,000 years ago, Christ gave us a command to take the gospel to the whole world. He promised He would go with us and He promised us we would have victory. But we have been side tracked by petty things. We have been focused on our kingdoms instead of God’s kingdom. Yes, missionaries have gone, but the task we face is even bigger than before! Missionaries are going out unprepared, untrained and under-supported! This trend must stop! We must properly support missions, we must train the ones we send out and we must prepare them for all they will face on the mission field! We need more people, young and old, to give their lives to get the gospel to the world. Will you join in obeying the command of our King of Kings? Will you go and set the people of the world free? We do not go to be seen of men or earn a great reward. We go because the love of Christ motivates, urges and pulls us to go! The chains of sin have enslaved this world! People all over the world are in great need of hearing the gospel. We need an army of people to give their lives to missions to take the gospel to the whole world so that we can see the world reached with the gospel in this generation! Time is short and we must do something! Let’s not just sit idly by as people head straight towards hell! The enemy has had his time and day, but now it is time for us, as churches, to rise up; as individuals, to rise up and proclaim victory of the gospel over the whole world!