Why are so few people giving their lives to missions? One major part is we don’t take the Great Commission seriously. We don’t look at it as a command, but rather that it was a part of history. But today more than ever, the command of the Great Commission is binding upon us. It is not just for the apostles of the first century Christians, it was given by Christ to His church to obey. It should never be looked at as history, but as a command we each have a responsibility to obey. So what can we do to change this?

  • –  Realize it is a command to the church— It is not just a suggestion or an option. It is not just given to pastors and missionaries. It is given as a command to the Church to obey!
  • –  Realize, if you are a Christian, this is a command given to you— If you are saved then that means that helping to fulfill the Great Commission is your responsibility. It is your duty as a Christian to do all you can to help get the gospel all around the world!
  • –  Realize you cannot do it on your own— But that is why Christ gave us the command and then told us not to worry because He was going to be with us always! That means we do not go out on our own, but we go with Christ going with us to reach the world with the Gospel!
  • –  Realize the world can be reached with the gospel in this generation— If every Christian were to take the Great Commission seriously and do their part to reach the world with the gospel, the world could easily be reached in this generation!So, have you been looking at the Great Commission as a part of church history that doesn’t apply to you? Well, you know that rather than looking at it as part of church history, you have to take it as a command to obey! Will you obey the Great Commission and take the Gospel to the ends of the earth to those who have never heard?