II Corinthians 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Today in Christianity, our focus is not on the eternal, rather on the temporal. We focus on what we can see and what we need. We look to money, possession, fame, and success and think that is what we should work towards. But the truth is, as Christians, we are not called to look at the things of this earth rather, we are to look at the eternal. We cannot take anything with us, from this world, to heaven. The only thing that really matters when we are gone is what we have done to make a difference for eternity. That means, we need to focus on taking the Gospel to the whole world and showing them the eternal. We need to stop worrying about money or about being famous or important and need to worry about people who are dying and going to hell without the gospel! Seek first God’s kingdom and He will take care of the temporal things. That does not mean you will be wealthy or famous, but it does mean He will provide the basic things you do need. Stop working for things that are just going to burn up and start laboring for those things which are eternal; that is reaching the world with the gospel!