The Moravians

By sentobannin

The Moravians are one the the most striking examples of a group and individuals with a great interest in world evangelism. If we, as churches today, would give and go like them, we could see a vast fortune given for the sake of the gospel and countless numbers of people giving their lives to go! The battle cry of the Moravians was “ To win for the Lamb that was slain, the reward of His…

The First Century Church

By sentobannin

Christ had spent three years of His life pouring into His disciples and followers. He then died and rose again, then ascended to heaven. As He ascended, He left His disciples, followers and every Christian a command to obey. That is to take the gospel to the whole world. As you look at the first century church, you could say they did more for world evangelism than any succeeding generation. What is sad about this…

What do these “IFs” mean?

By sentobannin

After going through the list of “ifs,” it should make us step back and realize there is a problem. Because if these “ifs” are not being done then we are not doing what we, as Christians, should be doing. Let’s look and see what these “ifs” really mean. – They indicate there is something wrong with us, as Christians— We have not the willingness to obey nor the desire to go take the gospel to the…

The Ifs of the Church

By sentobannin

We desire To get the proclamation of the gospel all across the world by this generation. There are some “ifs” that must first take place in order for us to see this. Let’s look at these “IFs” below: – If we are willing to obey and determined to do the task— If we would take it seriously that we are commanded to go and determine to obey the command to take the gospel, the world could…