The Moravians are one the the most striking examples of a group and individuals with a great interest in world evangelism. If we, as churches today, would give and go like them, we could see a vast fortune given for the sake of the gospel and countless numbers of people giving their lives to go! The battle cry of the Moravians was “ To win for the Lamb that was slain, the reward of His suffering.” This is what spurred them on to reach the world with the gospel. They made the missionary problem a personal one, but oh, if today we would make the missionary problem a personal one! If we could fill the hearts of people with a personal love for the Saviour that died for them, we would see the indifference in Christianity disappear and the world reached with the gospel! The Moravian church lived their lives with Christ at the forefront and the love of Christ constraining them to give and to go! Not only was that the heart of the church, but so was prayer. There was a great calling out for God to send laborers and for revival. Oh, that we as a church would call out for God to work in our hearts and lives and that the love of Christ would constrain us! The Moravians were just a small group to start out with, but they had great faith in God. They lived their Christianity out loud where everyone who met them knew that they were Christians. They gave more money than should have been possible for the cause of missions and sent more for the number in their group. God used them in a mighty way. May they be an example to us that if just a few would commit and give their all, God could use it in a mighty way. If we, as Christians as a whole, get on board and get our hearts right towards God, what a might move of missions we could see in this day and age!