Yes, you may now know and understand that every believer is to be a soul winner, but sadly, too many people make it a secondary thing in their lives. The truth is that “Every believer, a soul winner” is the chief reason we exist! The whole reason the second we are saved God doesn’t just take us to heaven is because we are left on this earth to take the gospel to people who have never heard! As a Christian, that should be our whole purpose of life. We do not live for things, family, possessions or fame. We live to glorify God and to make His name known to all the nations. If this becomes the priority and lifestyle of every believer, what a great change would be made. People would then stop living for themselves and start living for the evangelization of their community and the world! But really, unless one is in close fellowship with Christ, this truth will never be engrained in his life! We must be living close to Christ and in fellowship with Him and by doing that, Christ draws us to Himself and His purpose of seeing the world reached with the gospel.