We just established that it is the responsibility of every believer to be a soul winner and to take upon him the burden of getting the gospel to the world. Now, we turn our eyes to individual churches. If it is every believer’s responsibility to get the gospel to the world, then it is the purpose of the church to get the gospel to a lost and dying world! The whole purpose for everything we do, as a church, is missions and getting the gospel to the whole world. That being said, let’s look at how we can do this in the church.

– The purpose of the ministries of the church is to guide to church and make her fit to get the gospel to the world.— Every ministry of the church should align for the purpose of equipping the people and the church to get the gospel to the world. That means all our ministries should have an outward reaching focus not an inward reaching focus. They should be designed to reach out in our communities and all around the world with the gospel! The sad thing about most ministries in churches today is that they are focused inwardly and on reaching the people in the church, when they should be all about reaching outward and taking the gospel to people who have never heard!

– The purpose of preaching in the church should be to help the people and the church fulfill their purpose of getting the gospel to the world. That means that the preaching of our church should yes, focus on the needs of our people and helping them to grow; but more importantly, it should help us focus our attention on the world and the great need for Christ in the world. If we would preach more on missions and getting the gospel to our

communities and to the whole world, more people would give their lives for missions or give

more towards missions!
– The purpose of every pastor, then, should be to equip himself and his people for this work—

He should strive to labor and send those to take the gospel all around the world. He should prepare his heart and study the needs all around the world! He should be prepared to be a torch bearer for getting the gospel to a lost and dying world! His proclamation and heartbeat should be that of God, that he desires to see the whole world saved and will do what must be done to prepare himself and his people to go out and take the gospel to the world!

Each and every church’s purpose is to get the gospel to the whole world! It’s time we, as churches, wake up and get our hearts right and get our ministries aimed at getting the gospel to the world. We need to stop focusing inwardly and start focusing outwardly on the great need in the world!