As you have read through and seen the great need in the world, it should motivate us to do something. One of the most important things that should be done is prayer. What we lack today, in churches and in Christians, is a true spirit of prayer. We pray for the sick and for our personal needs, but do we ever pray for the needs of the world? Do we ever really pray for the heartbeat of God—For the world to truly be reached with the gospel? One of the biggest problems with Christians and churches is the lack of true prayer. Oh, yes, we may pray for our food once in a while, but when is the last time you spent more than five minutes in a quick prayer for things you needed? When is the last time you cried out to God for the needs of the world, for the needs of missionaries all around the world? In this day and age, we need a call to prayer. As devout Muslims, they commit to pray 5 times a day. This takes sacrifice from them and discipline. But we, as Christians, can hardly pray once a day. Why not commit and sacrifice to spend time praying? The reason missions has gone forth so slowly over the past generations is that prayers have been so shallow at home. If we got serious about our prayers, and prayed not just to get it done, but prayed to see a change and move of God in this world, then would we not also, be moved to give and to put feet to our prayers? You see, as you earnestly pray for things, you desire to see them answered even if that requires sacrifice from you. So, if we got serious about praying for the evangelization of the world, Christians would then get serious about giving to help meet the needs all around the world! If we would be doing what we should, in prayer, we could see a 100 times more done for the sake of missions all around the world! The foreign missions movement was born in prayer, and prayer is the vital breath that it lives by, but because of our shallow prayer life, we have yet to see what God could really do if we took seriously the praying for missions and getting the gospel all around the world!

We must be aroused, as Christians and as churches, to pray for more laborers. We must be willing to pray that God would empower and embolden those already on the field. We must pray that God’s word would spread and the harvest of souls would be reaped all around the world. If we would get serious about praying, we could see the world shaken with the gospel and the forward movement of missions!