We have seen the need for prayer, but what can be done about it? How can we teach people to pray and get serious about world evangelism? The truth is, you cannot really change people’s prayers just by telling them to do so. You can tell them to do so, and some will increase their praying a little but the truth is, prayer is an outflow of a deeper spiritual life.

– The first thing that needs to be done is for Christians to deepen their spiritual walk— Christians must learn to be in the Bible and reading each and every day. They must be praying and seeking the face of God. They must learn to not live for self, but for Christ! As Christians grow in their spiritual life, a proper prayer life will flow out of that. We must teach them how to pray while they are growing, but the only way to have a more meaningful prayer life is by walking and growing closer to God. We must wake ourselves out of the Christian stupor we are in and realize we are called to a higher purpose. Our lives are not about us, but about Christ. Once we realize that, we can begin living for God and deepen our prayer lives.

– Secondly, they must see and feel the need— Unless they see the need in the world, they will never be moved to pray about it. We must realize the great need in the world. We must see it and allow it to move us to serious prayer! We must push praying for the world and the evangelization of the world in this generation!

– Thirdly, we must push prayer— We must place the importance on prayer by helping people not only know how to pray, but give them times to pray! We must teach them to pray by themselves! We must get groups together that will pray for the gospel to get to the whole world. We must get our churches to have specific times of prayer for world evangelism. As we give opportunities to pray, then Christians will be moved to pray and to act, to help get the gospel to the whole world!

If we want to see the world reached with the gospel, we must be people of prayer. We must not only pray for the need of the world and for laborers to be raised, but we need to pray that God would show us what part we would have in world evangelism!