We can look around the world and see that there have been great strides made towards world evangelism. So often, we get so focused on the good that we see and say “Well, souls are being saved in some countries,” and then we forget about the rest of the world! We should rejoice in what God is doing in the world today, but we also, have to realize that there is still a great need in the church. That we, as Christians and churches, have failed to reach the world with the gospel. Once we do that it, should humiliate us. It should make us be sad and ashamed, because we have not truly obey the command of our Lord and Saviour! WE must face the truth that millions are dying every day and waking up to spend eternity in hell because WE have failed. Because WE have disobeyed. Because WE have been selfish. Because WE have been worldly. Because WE have not been living wholly for Christ. But we must not dwell on these sins in our lives, rather, we must lay them at Christ’s feet! We must confess our sin. We must confess our laziness, worldliness, and disobedience. We must turn from these sins and start obeying and starting fulfilling the Great Commission. Once we are humiliated by our sin, it should push us to ask for forgiveness and then move us toward restoration and renewal! But right now, the truth is God’s people do not really care that millions are dying and going to hell. So, we must come to a realization that we are sinning and must run from our sin and turn to God. The only way this can be done is by preaching that we have failed and we must stop disobeying the command of God. If we begin to preach on this and we begin to turn back to God, then there is hope in the world today. Then we will see people get their hearts right and start taking steps to get the gospel to the whole world! Christians, it is time to realize we have left our first love. We have left Christ out of our churches and out of our lives and it is time to come back and put Christ in His rightful place. As Christ takes His rightful place in our lives and in our churches, then we will push forward and start obeying the Great Commission. We must come back to Christ and humble ourselves! As we do that, then we can start taking the steps that must be taken to get the gospel to the world.