The Deputation Process: Some basics before you begin – Part 4

By sentobannin

The last few weeks, we have covered some things that are important to have before you start deputation. This week we will conclude this part of the series with things that you need. Specifically, some documents that will be good to prepare now before you start deputation. Confirmation letter: This is used to email and mail to pastors to confirm the meeting you scheduled with them. I would recommend once you first book a meeting,…

How to Be a Highly Effective Christian: Get Involved in Ministry

By sentobannin

So you want to be a highly, effective Christian? Last week, we looked at needing to rely on God.This week, those that are highly, effective Christians are involved in ministry. They do not just siton the sidelines and get served. They realize they must get involved and help out! Find a starting place— If you are not currently involved in a ministry then find a place to start!Go to your pastor and ask what you…

The Deputation Process: Things you need before you start – Part 3

By sentobannin

Here we go again, going through some more things that are vital to have before deputation. If you haven’t read the previous two posts, I would highly recommend it as these articles are to try to be a help to those looking to be a missionary and in the process of starting deputation! Here are a few more things you need to have before you start deputation. A video presentation This is a quick and…

How to Be a Highly Effective Christian: Rely on God

By sentobannin

For the next few weeks, we are going to look at what it takes to be a highly, effective Christian.So many Christians today are sitting on the sidelines and wanting to be served rather thanserve! As Christians, we are not called to just survive. We are called to thrive! So, how can yoube a highly, effective Christian? Well, first, rely on God!Rely on Him each and every day— Realize that without Christ you are no…

Now What?

By sentobannin

After all these articles and seeing that the missionary problem is a personal problem, how should we, as Christians and churches, respond? Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary measures. We must go above and beyond what we are currently doing. We must realize that we will not see the world reached in this generation, unless something drastic is done. We must not stay where we are, rather, we have to change and take the steps necessary to…