Here we go again, going through some more things that are vital to have before deputation. If you haven’t read the previous two posts, I would highly recommend it as these articles are to try to be a help to those looking to be a missionary and in the process of starting deputation! Here are a few more things you need to have before you start deputation.

  1. A video presentation
  • This is a quick and easy way to show people the need in your country, as well as, introduce them to you and your ministry.
  • Keep the video less than 5 minutes.
  • Find video footage you want to use or have taken yourself. I would highly suggest using video over photos if possible. There is nothing wrong with using a few photos in your video, but overall, if you have video footage it tends to look better than just pictures.
  • Write out a script for the voice over. Know what you want to say and how you want it to be said. You can either record this yourself or have someone else record the voice over but make sure you first have a script off of which to go.
  • Convey the need in your country in the video. Let people know who you are, where you are going and what you plan to do.
  • A video is a great tool to have but it can never replace the personal passion you can show when you speak. I would recommend, if given the choice between speaking or showing your video, that you speak and convey your passion that way. But if allowed, you can use your video to help convey the need before or after you speak.
  1. A field presentation: This is what you will give when asked to share your burden and your ministry to the church.
  • Make sure to be flexible on how long it can be. Be able to give it in one minute or 45
  • Get a verse or passage that can be the theme for your ministry and build your presentation around it.
  • What needs to be in your presentation?
  • Basic stats of the country- number of people, Christians, etc.
  • Your call to the field
  • What you are going to be doing
  • Why the country needs you to go
  • Where you are percentage wise on your support etc.
  • Ask for them to pray for you and for laborers for your country.
  • Be enthusiastic!
  • Convey your passion- people should be able to tell you have a passion for what you are going to do!
  • Be flexible- you have no clue when or where you will have to present, or how long you will have, so be flexible and go with the flow!
  1. Deputation messages—You should begin preparing these as soon as you can. I would recommend having several of these prepared as well as several Sunday school type lessons.
  • These should be encouraging and challenging for the church and the pastor.
  • Remember you are not there to fix the churches problems.
  • Be able to preach/ teach in any time length.
  • Have a short and long version of your testimony prepared.
  • Have several messages prepared- you may have to teach/ preach more than once!
  • Make sure it is biblical and not controversial.
  • Start by preaching about reaching their area, but expanded to them working to reach the
    world with the gospel!
  • Preach for a decision—Always share the Gospel somewhere in your message. You never know who is in the church that day and who may need the Gospel. Challenge Christians to take a step of faith and make a decision for Christ!
  • Stay within your time limit! If you are asked to be done by a certain time then be done before that time. Do not go over your time limit!
    This week, we covered more about presenting and what you will need to have for you not only to present, but also preach in churches. These are all important things and you need to spend the time getting them together and preparing all three of these things! Preaching and your
    presentation are vital things you have to do on deputation and you should always be working on improving them, adding to them or fixing them! Deputation is hard work, but being properly prepared before you start will help you as you try to raise your support to get to your field of