As we continue looking at how to be a highly, effective Christian, we come to worship. Many
people think a lot of things when they think of worship. Some think of a church service, some
think of singing praises and praise songs. But today, let’s look at true worship and what true
worship is!

  1. Worship starts with personal Bible time— If you are not spending time in the Word of God, it
    will be hard for you to worship Him. You see, worship is all about bringing glory to God and
    praising Him but if you are not reading the Bible, you will not know much about how great
    our God is and all you can praise Him for.
  2. Faithfully attending church— You should be faithful attending your church’s services! You
    should want and try to be at the church any time the doors are open! This is a way to
    worship corporately with other believers! You can worship God through singing but also, by
    hearing preaching and being edified by that. But also through preaching, it helps you see
    where you are in your relationship with Christ!
  3. Having prayer time— One of the best ways to worship God is to have a personal prayer
    time! But make sure not to just focus on your needs. Focus on the needs of others and even
    more, praise God for who He is and all that He has done! As we worship and pray to God
    and see all He has done and who He is, it gives us the right view of God and allows us to
    live our lives in light of that knowledge!
  4. Bring others to worship God!— We should be about getting the gospel to a lost and dying
    world! God wants to receive worship from all people! But many are not worshipping Him
    because they do not know Him! This is where we come in to play! We must get the gospel to
    a lost and dying world so they can be brought to a relationship with Christ and worship Him
    in spirit and in truth!
    These are just a few ways to worship God. There are many more but these are the basics! All
    Christians should be doing these things and should be involved in worshipping God! Are you

truly worshipping God? The Bible says that those that will worship God will worship Him in Spirit
and in truth? Are you?