Last week we covered some basic things that you need to have nailed down before you start deputation. Today we are going to talk about practical things you need to have and get before you go to that first meeting!

  1. An information packet—This is vital to have for any missionary. This is what you will give and send out to pastors to let them know who you are and what your ministry is.
  • Keep it less than six pages in total
  • Have printed copies as well as a way to email it (Be mindful of the size of file so it does
    not take too long to send, or too long to open). Try to email them as often as you can but
    there will be times when you will have to mail it to a pastor.
  • Have your picture at least on the front of it, but you should put pictures of you and your
    family throughout it.
  • Have an introduction letter telling who you are, where you are going and what you plan
    to do.
  • Have your testimony and your wife’s testimony— Remember to keep it detailed, but
  • Have your training and ministry experience listed— Many pastors want to know what you
    have done.
  • Have your ministry goals and objectives— What are your plans when you get to the
  • Have some important information or details about your country.
  • Have a few pastors/missionaries write you a recommendation letter.
  • HAVE YOUR CONTACT INFO!— This is one of the most important things! Have your website, phone number, email address so that a pastor can contact you back!
  1. A website— This is important to have. This is a way that people can find out about you and your ministry. You can also use your website as a way to blog and post updates about you and your ministry. Remember to have pictures of you, your family and your country on your website.
    Also, include everything you would in your information packet. You can go into more details on your website because you are not limited by space!
  2. A prayer card— The design style and how it looks is up to you, but make sure it looks first class and is double sided! Make sure it has your picture, where you are going, what you are doing, your missions board/sending church, your contact info, as well as where someone can send support or mail to you! Make sure to order plenty of these because you will want to pass these out to anyone and everyone you can at every church in which you present!
    These are the first three things you need to get prepared before starting deputation! Next week we will look at more things you need to get or have prepared before you go to your first meeting! If you have questions about what any of these things look like, feel free to ask! I would love to
    hear your feedback or questions!