Last week, we talked about three important things that you need to have before you start deputation and we are going to continue that discussion this week! These are things that are vital to have before you go to your first meeting and really before you start calling and booking meetings.

  1. Display board/ poster: This is important to have. This will sit in the middle of your display table and let people see who you are and where you are going! There are many places where you can get these made as roll up banners and they look very professional, but you can also do a fold up board. No matter what you decide, here are some very important
    things to have on your display board
  • First you need to have a large picture of you and your family. Do not make this small. Make this as big as you can. You want people to see it, see your picture and recognize you when they see you.
  • You need to put where you are going. What country you are going to, as well as, an outline or picture of your country
  • You need to put what you are doing. Are you a church planter, medical missions, etc? Put what you are going to be doing.
  • Put your mission board or sending church somewhere. Many people like to know who you are sent out by and having this on your display will be helpful.
  • If you have the room available, I would put a picture of the people in your country. This lets people see what the people look like and even the need in your country.
  1. Display table: Your display board is part of your display table but you will need to put things out on your table for people to see.
  • You need some sort of prayer card holder. You will be passing these out but sometimes you will miss people and this allows people a chance to grab one of your prayer cards!
  • Find some unique things that your country or area is known for.
  • If you can get a toy or children’s book from your country, this will help draw young people to your table.
  • Find some candy from your country to have on your table for people to try. People love candy and like trying candy from other countries. This will help draw people to your table.
  • Have an email signup sheet somewhere on your table. This will allow people to sign up to receive updates that you send out and be able to pray for you and your family.
  • Whatever you put on the table, make sure it is not irreplaceable because many hands will touch it over the course of deputation. There is a likelihood something will get broken or even taken by accident.
  • Make sure you know what you have on your table. People will come and ask you about the items on your table so you should know what they are called and what their purpose is. This also gets you an opportunity to talk to people as they are looking at the unique things you have on your table!
  • If you go on a survey trip before you start deputation, make sure to grab plenty of things to put on your table. If you haven’t been to your country yet then look and order things online that are from your country and if you get a chance to go to your country before deputation is over then grab things to add to your table later!
  • Make sure that it looks neat and presentable. This is a good way to draw people to you and talk with people and let them know who you are, where you are going and what you are doing!
    This week we just covered the display board and table. Both of these are vital to have before you start deputation because you have a central place to meet and greet people in the church and allow them to see the need in your country! We will continue on next week with more things
    you need to have and prepare before you start deputation.