The Deputation Process: Scheduling a Meeting

By sentobannin

You have called, followed up and finally, it has paid off. A pastor wants to schedule you for a meeting! This is always exciting to me, No matter how many times I get to this point, I always get excited. This week, I want to give you some tips and advice as you schedule meetings with pastors and churches. Try to fill the first openings that you have.— Look at your first available date and…

The Deputation Process: Followup from a Call

By sentobannin

Followup is a critical part of making phone call while on deputation. This is usually what you will need to do in order to get a meeting. This week lets look at some tips about followup. Set a reminder— Set a reminder for who to followup with, what number to call and why you were calling. You can do this on many phones and set a reminder to help you remember to call them back…

The Deputation Process: Responses while making phone calls – Part 2

By sentobannin

This week, we will continue looking more in depth at responses you are going to receive while making phone calls. This is not a guaranteed “how to” on every situation but what responses I have found helpful as I have been calling. We are not currently taking on any new missionaries— You will hear this one quite a bit. Don’t be offended because of it. Just thank them for taking time to answer your call,…

The Deputation Process: Responses when making phone calls- Part 1

By sentobannin

So you have started making phones calls! Great! Keep it up and keep calling! By now you already have had many responses to the calls you have been making and this week I want to look at responses you will get when you make calls and how to respond to them! No one answers: This is one of the most common responses you will get. If no one has picked up after 5 or 6…