So you have started making phones calls! Great! Keep it up and keep calling! By now you already have had many responses to the calls you have been making and this week I want to look at responses you will get when you make calls and how to respond to them!

  1. No one answers: This is one of the most common responses you will get. If no one has picked up after 5 or 6 rings, hang up and move on to the next church. Mark in your notes that no one answered and what time you called and then move on. Keep calling as you call back through your list as many times as it takes to get a hold of someone!
  2. Answering machine: This is also very common when making phone calls. Honestly, I would say if you reach a voicemail or answering machine to not leave a message. Take note of when you called and try to call again at another time! Leaving messages wastes time and the number of pastors who will return your calls is very few and far between.
  3. Busy Signal: Note that it was busy and maybe, try to call back a little bit later that day. If it is still busy then maybe the phone is off the hook and try to call again on another day at at different time.
  4. Secretary answers: This will happen many times. The first thing is to listen to hear if she says her name. Use her name and ask to speak with the pastor. Answer the questions she may have like your name and why you are calling, but alway be respectful. Remember she is the gate keeper and she is your way to speak to the pastor to get the meeting! Listen to
    what she has to say, sometimes she will send you over to the pastor, sometimes she will ask you to call back, and sometimes she will ask you to send a packet. Listen to what she has to say and then follow what she tells you. If she says the pastor is not available though, I would
    recommend telling her the purpose of your call and then she can direct you on what to do next.
  5. Pastor answers: Sometimes the pastor of the church will answer the phone or you will be transferred to him. Remember to be mindful of his time. I always try to ask how he is doing to break the ice, then quickly tell him the purpose of my call. Get to the point and tell him who you are, where you are going, what you are planning to do and then remember to ask for the meeting! Ask if there is a time you can come by to present your work and ministry to him and the church! Keep this within a 30 second time frame and then when you are finished just listen. Listen to what he has to say. He may say no, he may say to send your information over, he may ask you to call him back or best of all, he may book you on the spot, but be mindful of him and listen! Make sure to takes notes as he is talking about what he is asking you to do, giving you his email or address to send information or better a time to call back!

These are just a few of the responses you will receive when you are making phone calls. Next week we will look more in depth about some more responses you will receive as well as following up on previous calls!