Most of your time, when you first start deputation, will be taken up by making phone calls. But there will be some things you should be doing when you are not making phone calls or once you get your schedule filled and are not calling as much.

  1. Writing updates— I recommend already writing at least one weekly update a week. When you are not making phone calls be sure to be working on weekly updates and fun facts about your country!
  2. Writing blog articles— Take time and write blog articles. Write articles to be a help to others. Write articles to help those looking to be a missionary. Take time and write articles about your Bible reading and what you have been studying. Work on having a blog and using it to
    be a tool for mobilizing people for world evangelism!
  3. Read books— Not just fictions books, no you should be reading to help you grow! Every person who is a leader and going to be a leader should be a reader! Read books about your country, read missionary biographies, read church planting and missions books. Read books
    that will help you grow and will help you once you get to the field!
  4. Write messages— These can be two fold. You can write some messages you can use while on deputation, but mainly, you should work on messages for when you get to the field and are first starting your church! You can write these on salvation, baptism, being a witness, growing in Christ things like that. This will help when you first start a church because you can spend more time trying to get people to come to the church and less time having to study because you already prepared many messages.
  5. Study your Bible— Take time and study the Bible. Write down words and do studies on those words. Find out and write out what the Bible has to say about our core beliefs and doctrine. You are going to need to know these things when you get to the field, because you are going to be training men and need to show them why we believe what we believe!
  6. Work on Sunday School lessons— You can either write these or accumulate them by looking for them and finding them. You are going to need lessons to give your Sunday School teachers on the field. You should spend time now gathering resources and getting prepared for when you get to the field! This is just a small list of things that you can do when you are not making phone calls. I am sure there are many more things that I could add, but these are the ones that I thought would be most helpful at the moment! t5What are some more things you think those on deputation can do when they are not calling or have slowed down on calling because they are well booked up ( a year out)? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think!