Why So Few People Become Missionaries: It is Outside Our Comfort Zone

By sentobannin

Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service A big problem in Christianity today is that we get this mindset about what Christianity is. We think we are saved to live a comfortable, Christian life, that God would never want us to go outside of our comforts and that He saved us to live the life…

Why So Few People Become Missionaries: Because Good Has Become the Enemy of Excellent

By sentobannin

Phillipians 1:10 That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; In the church today, there is a growing trend. That trend is instead of seeking that which is excellent, we settle for the good. Instead of striving for excellence, we settle for good things. However, as Christians, we should never settle for good, rather we should strive for excellence. We make good…

Why So Few People Become Missionaries: Because We Don’t Believe There is an Eternal Hell

By sentobannin

Hell is real. So often, we, as Christians, act like hell isn’t really real or maybe you believe it isn’t real. The truth is, Christ said it is real and that people will go there, so it is a real place. If we truly believed there was an eternal hell, we would be doing more for the sake of missions. We candy-coat it and try not to think about it, but the reality is that…

Why So Few People Become Missionaries: Because We Believe the Great Commission Is Part of Church History Rather Than a Command to be Obeyed

By sentobannin

Why are so few people giving their lives to missions? One major part is we don’t take the Great Commission seriously. We don’t look at it as a command, but rather that it was a part of history. But today more than ever, the command of the Great Commission is binding upon us. It is not just for the apostles of the first century Christians, it was given by Christ to His church to obey.…

Why So Few People Become Missionaries? Part 1

By sentobannin

As we look down through the years, it is evident that out of all those who were saved and are saved, a very small percentage of them give their lives to missions and even fewer make it to the field. Over the next several weeks, we are going to look at different reasons why so few people become missionaries. You may be thinking that it’s because those were the only ones called. I would be…