The Great Estate: A Missions Parable

Posted by sentobannin on  October 17, 2019
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Category: Missions, Parable
The Great Estate: A Missions Parable The Great Master goes out and buys a large estate. On this estate are acres and acres of farmland. Now, some of this land is fertile and easily taken care of, some of it is a little harder to till and plant, but if you work it, you will see fruit from it. Then there is land that needs hours of work and labor to make it to where

Highly Effective Christians Equips Others to Minister

Posted by sentobannin on  October 10, 2019
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Highly Effective Christians Equips Others to Minister II Timothy 2:2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. To be a highly effective Christian one needs to be equipping others to minister and serve God. We have been called to take the gospel to the world, but we have also been called to teach them to

Highly Effective Christians Serve Others!

Posted by sentobannin on  October 3, 2019
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Category: Christianity
Highly Effective Christians Serve Others! We live in a world that is all about self. What can I do for myself? How can I better myself? But as Christians, this should not be our attitude! We are called to serve! This week, let’s look at how a highly effective Christian serves others. By putting on the mind of Christ— Christ is the greatest example of being a servant! We are told in Phillipians 2 to

A Highly Effective Christian is a Wise Steward!

Posted by sentobannin on  September 26, 2019
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Category: Uncategorized
A Highly Effective Christian is a Wise Steward! As Christians, we are stewards of what God has given to us. If you want to be a highly effective Christian you must be a wise steward! This week, we will look at what areas as Christians in which we should be wise stewards. Minutes— Ephesians 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. What are you doing with the time that God has given you? 

Highly Effective Christians are Involved in Personal and Spiritual Growth!

Posted by sentobannin on  September 19, 2019
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Category: Christianity
Highly Effective Christians are Involved in Personal and Spiritual Growth! In order to be a highly, effective Christian, you must be growing! There are two areas we should be growing in our personal and our spiritual lives! Let’s look below how we can grow ourselves, personally and spiritually. Personally Read books— Find time to read books. This is a great way to help you grow personally. We should always be trying to grow and learn