Why So Few People Become Missionaries: No One Has Ever Shown Us the Path From Where We Are to Get Us to Where We Need to Be.

Posted by sentobannin on  July 12, 2020
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Category: Missions
Today, person after person, in church, has thought about missions. Many have even given their lives to be a missionary and yet they are still sitting. Sitting on the sidelines trying to figure out what to do. This is because no one has taken the time to help show them how to get from where they are, to where they need to be. I was one of those people. I knew God wanted me to

Why So Few People Become Missionaries: We Consider Missions to be One of the Ministries of the Church

Posted by sentobannin on  July 5, 2020
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Category: Missions
Today, church after church has made missions one of its ministries. They lump missionaries they support with soul winning and call it the missions program of the church! But we have missed the point! Missions is not a program a church runs or a ministry a church has. No, missions is the whole purpose and priority of the church! Before Christ left, He gave us the Great Commission. He was commanding us to go take

Why So Few People Become Missionaries: We Don’t See the Eternal

Posted by sentobannin on  June 28, 2020
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Category: Missions
II Corinthians 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. Today in Christianity, our focus is not on the eternal, rather on the temporal. We focus on what we can see and what we need. We look to money, possession, fame, and success and think that is

Why So Few People Ever Become Missionaries: We Believe God Could Never Use Us!

Posted by sentobannin on  June 21, 2020
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Category: Missions
II Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him… Most Christians have the mindset that they could never be used of God. There is no way they are good enough or have the talent to be used of God. Yet, the verse above tells us that God is looking around the whole world to find someone

Why So Few People Become Missionaries: Because We Live Inside a Vacuum

Posted by sentobannin on  June 14, 2020
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Category: Missions
A major reason so few people give their lives to missions and become missionaries is that churches are inside of a vacuum. As in, they never hear about missions, the need to go or the command to go. This is because there is never any preaching on God’s desire for the whole world to be saved. We spend more time on how to make our individual people a better person or a better Christian, but