The Army Part 7

By sentobannin

The King is soon returning and the battle has not been finished. The soldiers have been too preoccupied with building their kingdoms, instead of His kingdom. Some are going to take the fight to the enemy, but many go out undertrained and under-supported. We must change this! We must properly train our soldiers how to stand the rigors of the battlefield. We must support them as best we can. We must stem the tide of…

The Army Part 6

By sentobannin

The army began to grow and to once again move its base of operations. Once again, for a short time, soldiers were going out and fighting the battle, but it eventually died out again. The reason for this was that the army wanted to focus on securing its borders. They wanted to focusing on fighting local battles instead of global battles. Another hinderance was them fighting amongst the different divisions in the army. They were…