A Missionary Ministry

By sentobannin

We just established that it is the responsibility of every believer to be a soul winner and to take upon him the burden of getting the gospel to the world. Now, we turn our eyes to individual churches. If it is every believer’s responsibility to get the gospel to the world, then it is the purpose of the church to get the gospel to a lost and dying world! The whole purpose for everything we…

Every Believer, a Soul Winner: Our Purpose

By sentobannin

Yes, you may now know and understand that every believer is to be a soul winner, but sadly, too many people make it a secondary thing in their lives. The truth is that “Every believer, a soul winner” is the chief reason we exist! The whole reason the second we are saved God doesn’t just take us to heaven is because we are left on this earth to take the gospel to people who have…

Every Believer, a Soul Winner: Is it still Binding on us?

By sentobannin

If every believer is to a be a soul winner, do we have a Biblical basis for this belief? As we look at Scripture, it becomes abundantly clear that it is still binding upon us. – Light of the world: Matthew 5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Christ told us we are lights in the world. Our light should be shining into the darkness of…

The Missionary Problem is a Personal One! Every Believer, a Soul Winner!

By sentobannin

Up to this point, you may have been reading and thinking there is a great need in the world, but nothing has changed. Maybe you have been thinking of others and churches, but not yourself. Well, today it becomes personal. If we stop looking at others and take world evangelism personally, we can see a great change. Our watchword in each and every church needs to be, “Every believer, a soul winner!” If we would…

The Moravians

By sentobannin

The Moravians are one the the most striking examples of a group and individuals with a great interest in world evangelism. If we, as churches today, would give and go like them, we could see a vast fortune given for the sake of the gospel and countless numbers of people giving their lives to go! The battle cry of the Moravians was “ To win for the Lamb that was slain, the reward of His…