The First Century Church

By sentobannin

Christ had spent three years of His life pouring into His disciples and followers. He then died and rose again, then ascended to heaven. As He ascended, He left His disciples, followers and every Christian a command to obey. That is to take the gospel to the whole world. As you look at the first century church, you could say they did more for world evangelism than any succeeding generation. What is sad about this…

The Army Part 3

By sentobannin

The Army Part 3 At first, the King’s soldiers were leery about the new recruit. This man, just days before had been fighting against them, but now was on their side? They finally began to trust him as they began to see his fighting spirit. Shortly after this, as the army was spreading around the world, the General sent word that he had a special mission for two in the army. They were to go…

The Estate Part 7

By sentobannin

The master has returned from his journey. The servants were unaware he was even coming back and now he has returned. An announcement is sent out far and wide calling all the servants to gather together. Many of the servants came in ashamed because of the lack of work they were doing. Some servants came in sad because they needed just a little more time in their part of the estate to see fruit for…

The Estate Part 6

By sentobannin

The master was soon to return, but the affairs of the estate were not good. So long ago had his command sounded to go and to work the whole estate, but sadly, the servants had not fully obeyed the command. As the masters return approaches, let us look at the state of the estate today. You see servants are still working, but a large majority of them are working in only 5% of the estate.…

The Estate Part 5

By sentobannin

By this time, many, many years had passed since the master had given the command to his servants. Most of the servants knew a little of the command, but never thought their master would return. Because of this, they had no urgency to go and obey the command or to do much work. The estate began to be overrun in certain areas. The area where the servants began to work, now had become an overgrown…