The Deputation Process: Responses when making phone calls- Part 1

By sentobannin

So you have started making phones calls! Great! Keep it up and keep calling! By now you already have had many responses to the calls you have been making and this week I want to look at responses you will get when you make calls and how to respond to them! No one answers: This is one of the most common responses you will get. If no one has picked up after 5 or 6…

The Deputation Process: Things to have before your start – Part 2

By sentobannin

Last week, we talked about three important things that you need to have before you start deputation and we are going to continue that discussion this week! These are things that are vital to have before you go to your first meeting and really before you start calling and booking meetings. Display board/ poster: This is important to have. This will sit in the middle of your display table and let people see who you…

The Deputation Process: What you need before you start – Part 1

By sentobannin

Last week we covered some basic things that you need to have nailed down before you start deputation. Today we are going to talk about practical things you need to have and get before you go to that first meeting! An information packet—This is vital to have for any missionary. This is what you will give and send out to pastors to let them know who you are and what your ministry is. Keep it…

The Deputation process: Some basics before you begin!

By sentobannin

There are many things that make up deputation and things you will need to do and have before you start deputation, but today I wanted to cover some basic things before you start deputation. Make sure you have your field picked out and know where God is leading you. It would be very difficult to book meetings and raise support as a missionary if you do not know where God is leading you. Figure out…

The Deputation Process: Some basics before you begin – Part 4

By sentobannin

The last few weeks, we have covered some things that are important to have before you start deputation. This week we will conclude this part of the series with things that you need. Specifically, some documents that will be good to prepare now before you start deputation. Confirmation letter: This is used to email and mail to pastors to confirm the meeting you scheduled with them. I would recommend once you first book a meeting,…