The Deputation Process: Things you need before you start – Part 3

By sentobannin

Here we go again, going through some more things that are vital to have before deputation. If you haven’t read the previous two posts, I would highly recommend it as these articles are to try to be a help to those looking to be a missionary and in the process of starting deputation! Here are a few more things you need to have before you start deputation. A video presentation This is a quick and…

Now What?

By sentobannin

After all these articles and seeing that the missionary problem is a personal problem, how should we, as Christians and churches, respond? Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary measures. We must go above and beyond what we are currently doing. We must realize that we will not see the world reached in this generation, unless something drastic is done. We must not stay where we are, rather, we have to change and take the steps necessary to…

The Humiliation the Need of the World Should Cause

By sentobannin

We can look around the world and see that there have been great strides made towards world evangelism. So often, we get so focused on the good that we see and say “Well, souls are being saved in some countries,” and then we forget about the rest of the world! We should rejoice in what God is doing in the world today, but we also, have to realize that there is still a great need…

Hudson Taylor and the China Inland Mission

By sentobannin

What a man of faith was Hudson Taylor, but that can also be said of those that joined him at the China Inland Mission. He took God at His word and stepped out in faith and saw God work in great and mighty ways! They realized, though, that nothing could be done outside of the power of God, but that God’s power was available to any Christian. Meaning that not only then, but even today…

What do these “IFs” mean?

By sentobannin

After going through the list of “ifs,” it should make us step back and realize there is a problem. Because if these “ifs” are not being done then we are not doing what we, as Christians, should be doing. Let’s look and see what these “ifs” really mean. – They indicate there is something wrong with us, as Christians— We have not the willingness to obey nor the desire to go take the gospel to the…