The Army Part 2

By sentobannin

The Army Part 2 As the soldiers went back they were just a few days later met by the General. The one who would lead and guide them. The General laid out the plans for them and they went headlong into battle. The first battle many were set free and it continued like this for many days. But then some troubles came. The leaders of the army were captured and taken prisoner. They were threatened…

The Estate: The Conclusion

By sentobannin

The Estate: The Conclusion They say a story is one of the best ways by which to get a point across. I hope you can understand what this short parable is all about. If not, let me explain. The master is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The estate is the world and the servants are us, as Christians. Sir Comfort is the Holy Spirit. The story takes us from the command of Christ to…

The Estate Part 7

By sentobannin

The master has returned from his journey. The servants were unaware he was even coming back and now he has returned. An announcement is sent out far and wide calling all the servants to gather together. Many of the servants came in ashamed because of the lack of work they were doing. Some servants came in sad because they needed just a little more time in their part of the estate to see fruit for…

The Estate Part 6

By sentobannin

The master was soon to return, but the affairs of the estate were not good. So long ago had his command sounded to go and to work the whole estate, but sadly, the servants had not fully obeyed the command. As the masters return approaches, let us look at the state of the estate today. You see servants are still working, but a large majority of them are working in only 5% of the estate.…

The Estate Part 5

By sentobannin

By this time, many, many years had passed since the master had given the command to his servants. Most of the servants knew a little of the command, but never thought their master would return. Because of this, they had no urgency to go and obey the command or to do much work. The estate began to be overrun in certain areas. The area where the servants began to work, now had become an overgrown…