The Humiliation the Need of the World Should Cause

By sentobannin

We can look around the world and see that there have been great strides made towards world evangelism. So often, we get so focused on the good that we see and say “Well, souls are being saved in some countries,” and then we forget about the rest of the world! We should rejoice in what God is doing in the world today, but we also, have to realize that there is still a great need…

What Should We Study Then?

By sentobannin

As a pastor is responsible to preach about missions and the need in the world, there should be specific things he studies so he can bring this before the church. Not only should the pastor of the church be studying these things, so should we! So, let’s look at what three areas pastors and Christians should be looking at to help see the need for missions in the world. –  The world in its sin…

The Army Part 4

By sentobannin

The Army Part 4 The battle for the world continued on, but with fewer and fewer soldiers going out to fight. Instead, they began to focus on building their bases and securing their borders. Many years passed and only a handful of soldiers and regiments went out to do any fighting and to take more of the world for the King. Finally, a group was stirred to do something. They began to take the king…

A Highly Effective Christian is a Wise Steward!

By sentobannin

A Highly Effective Christian is a Wise Steward! As Christians, we are stewards of what God has given to us. If you want to be a highly effective Christian you must be a wise steward! This week, we will look at what areas as Christians in which we should be wise stewards. Minutes— Ephesians 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. What are you doing with the time that God has given you? …

Highly Effective Christians Engage in World Evangelism!

By sentobannin

Highly Effective Christians Engage in World Evangelism! As we continue and you read the title for this week, you may be thinking that I am talking about just being a missionary. That is not true. Actually, as Christians, we should all be involved in world evangelism and there are many ways to get involved! One of the best ways to be involved in world evangelism is to go as a missionary. But let’s look, this…